Antimicrobial Resistance is
a global issue and is predicted to contribute to 10 million deaths by 2050
The first portable diagnostics biosensor
Diagnosis in minutes, not days
We diagnose healthcare-associated infections in minutes compared to current diagnostic systems that can take up to three days.
We have developed a portable device that provides a quick and accurate diagnosis. This enables doctors to provide treatment quickly, saving time, money and lives.
Global facts about healthcare-associated infections
Each year, 8.9 million healthcare-associated infections are estimated to occur in European hospitals and long-term care facilities, causing 16 million extra hospital days and leading to increased morbidity and 147,000 deaths.
Hand hygiene is still the only recommendation in the world to prevent infections in hospitals. But this often isn’t happening and healthcare providers clean their hands less than half of the times they should.
It takes 24 to 48 hours for an infection diagnosis with current methods. This leaves physicians with no choice but to blindly treat a patient, increasing the risk that antibiotics are prescribed unnecessarily.
We created Aksense
to save lives
We’re an experienced team of scientists and entrepreneurs innovating in the Biotech space. We have developed the first portable diagnostics biosensor to identify healthcare-associated infections in minutes, enabling accurate diagnosis and treatment, saving time, money and lives.